I'm tired right now and i'm bored and I don't know when is a good time to get the 1 Million points achievement in halo reach. I am trying to get all the achievements in the game and this one is going to take me umm about 5 hours. Why am I telling you this you are probably wondering? I am telling you this because I have nothing better to say and I want to try to post a new post each day. Did you know bunnies are cute according some people they also do the cuteest things ever haha. If you read this randomness leave a comment you know you want to. Go ahead and make fun of me if you want that would be cool because it would be in comment form. :D
Million achievement takes like 5-10 minutes. If you put the cheats on. Unlimited bottomless clip and unlimited health. Easy
I will try that I haven't gone for it yet but that will help knowing there's a easier why to do it then the way that I was going for. Thanks